First Day On The Job (MP4) - Mura Suru

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First Day On The Job (MP4) - Mura Suru

Post by davidnorth »

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Mura works at a clothing store and has purchased a winter coat for herself. The store detective, only on his first day with the company, does not know all the staff yet, and certainly did not see Mura check out at the register. He therefore follows her home and confronts her, believing she has stolen the coat. Mura insists that he is wrong, but until he can get confirmation of her status from the store manager, he plans to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't make a run for it. In fact, he goes so far as to tie her to a chair using rope and duct tape, much to Mura's annoyance. When the detective cannot get confirmation, he feels he has no choice but to keep Mura a prisoner in her own home until such times as he does. Rather than leave her tied to a chair, he takes her down to the basement and handcuffs her to a pole.

18 minutes 30 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,082.5 MB

Store: $8.99 ... ct_id=1408

Teaser: ... he_job.mp4

Mura's Page: ... _suru.html

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