Walking Into A Trap (MP4) - Sinthia Bee

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Walking Into A Trap (MP4) - Sinthia Bee

Post by davidnorth »

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Cat burglar Sinthia sneaks inside via the front door. She heads to the office and looks through the entire room. She got tipped off there would be a safe with diamonds here. After looking everywhere and finding nothing, she gives up. She briefly looks around the living room for something else to steal when the home owner enters and grabs her. He has been expecting her because she has been committing a series of robberies in the area, so it was only a matter of time before she showed up. Rather than just calling the police, the man ties Sinthis is tied to a chair, has a pair of panties into her mouth and duct tape is pressed across her face to seal it in. Left alone, Sinthia struggles against the ropes and, after a lot of effort, she manages to free her hands. She unties the rest of her body and tries to leave, but the man intercepts her and restrains her again, this time with handcuffs and shackles. He pushes the same pair of panties back into her mouth and wraps tape around her head to make sure she stays quiet. Now he says he will call the police, eventually.

22 minutes 01 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,244.9 MB

Store: $8.99
https://www.bibpurchasestore.com/store/ ... ct_id=1500

https://www.beauties-in-bondage.com/mov ... a_trap.mp4

Sinthia's Page:
https://www.beauties-in-bondage.com/mov ... a_bee.html

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Re: Walking Into A Trap (MP4) - Sinthia Bee

Post by adivie »

Poor Sinthia never sees it coming, does she!

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