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I Don't Mind The Way You Look At Me (MP4) - Beverly Bacci

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:28 pm
by davidnorth
i_dont_mind_the_way_you_look_at_me_900.jpg (130.93 KiB) Viewed 1673 times
The friendly neighbor Beverly is back. She has forgiven Dave for leaving her tied up last time and would like to give the relationship another try. This time, she has brought her own handcuffs and wants Dave to put them on her. Little by little, he talks her into have her ankles secured together with a zip tie, and into being gagged with a pair of ladies tights. Beverly agrees to all this as long as he promises to show her a really good time after he releases her. There is only one snag: Beverly has forgotten to bring the key to her handcuffs, so she sends Dave off to her house to retrieve it. Imagine her frustration when he doesn't return. She can't believe he would leave her bound and gagged again, and determined not to be defeated, Bev manages to slide her handcuffed wrists under her butt and pull off her gag. She then hops into the kitchen to find scissors to cut through the zip tie binding her ankles, then, for a finale, uses a hair grip to pick the lock on one of the handcuff bracelets. Before she leaves, this time for good, she kicks the tights that were used to gag her across the room.

21 minutes 35 seconds - 1440x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,194.6 MB

Store: $7.99 ... ct_id=1548

Teaser: ... _at_me.mp4

Beverly's Page: ... verly.html

Re: I Don't Mind The Way You Look At Me (MP4) - Beverly Bacci

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2025 3:52 pm
by adivie
Oh, Beverly must have been PO'ed at Dave for this!