Grabbed & Zipped Remastered (MP4) - Carissa Montgomery

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Grabbed & Zipped Remastered (MP4) - Carissa Montgomery

Post by davidnorth »

grabbed_and_zipped_remastered_900.jpg (156.28 KiB) Viewed 1496 times
This is the very first bondage video I recorded with Carissa, back in the summer of 2010. I could pick em up and carry em back then. Sigh.

Carissa finds herself lying in the back of a vehicle, her wrists and ankles tightly secured with zip ties, a strip of duct tape covering her mouth to keep her quiet. She has no idea how she got there. All she knows is that she needs to escape! She struggles against the zip ties but they are much too strong to break. Getting away is the next best option, but she will have to achieve it while tied up. She manages to open the rear door of the vehicle and climb out, standing in her high heels and unable to walk. She has no choice but to lose the heels before attempting to move away from the vehicle. If she can just get into the woods and hide, maybe her captor will not discover her. Not daring to attempt hopping in her stocking feet, she sits down and begins scooting forward on her butt. As she moves down a slope, she tries to roll herself down it, then return to scooting forward. She has only managed to place a short distance between herself and the vehicle where she was held captive. Not enough. Before she can proceed further, however, a masked man appears and comes to retrieve her. Despite her muffled protests, he throws her over his shoulder and carries her back to the vehicle, putting her back inside and this time locking the doors. Carissa squirms helplessly once more, unable to get away. The video ends with a short conversation with Carissa.

16 minutes 53 seconds - 1440x1080 pixels - MP4: 934.5 MB

Store: $7.99 ... ct_id=1544

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Carissa's Page: ... rissa.html

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Re: Grabbed & Zipped Remastered (MP4) - Carissa Montgomery

Post by Dazroped »

She got that lovely blue dress covered in leaves. :D

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