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Beauties in Bondage: Cheyenne Jewel's Movies
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Beauties in Bondage: Cheyenne Jewel's Movies

Cheyenne Jewel
Exposed Remastered
Exposed Remastered
Time: 17 minutes 54 seconds
Cheyenne has been overpowered in her own home, and is now sitting on the floor with ropes tied around her wrists, ankles and thighs. She is asking her assailant why he is doing this, and what does he want? At the moment, it seems he wants her to call one of her work colleagues and ask her to come over to the house as soon as she can. Trembling and whimpering, Cheyenne obeys. Once she has made the call, her assailant produces a pair of her panties he took from her bedside drawer. She demands to know what he is doing with them before he thrusts them into her mouth. Before he can apply duct tape to finish gagging her, Cheyenne spits out the panties. Her captor retrieves them and pushes them back into her mouth, adding three layers of duct tape to make sure they stay there this time. Left on her own, Cheyenne begins to roll around and struggle with her bonds. However, she makes too much noise, bringing her captor back into the room. He tells her she is not behaving herself, and asks the gagged girl if she knows what happens to girls who misbehave. He produces a pair of scissors and cuts open her top and her skirt, exposing her breasts and panties and embarrassing her. Unable to do anything about this, Cheyenne soon resumes trying to get free, but the ropes are tight.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,058.6 MB
Bare-Foot & Bed Tied
Bare-Foot & Bed Tied
Time: 13 minutes 46 seconds
A movie for foot lovers! Cheyenne is tied to a bed, spreadeagled and bare-foot. In the opening scene, she is gagged with duct tape, then her captor leaves the room and she is all alone, struggling with her bonds. There are numerous close-up views of Cheyenne's feet during the movie, and the poor girl doesn't manage to get free. Oh well, we'll just have to keep her tied up and feed her.
WMV: $10.99
Cheyenne (with Carissa)
The Cop & the Hooker
The Cop & the Hooker
Time: 28 minutes 01 seconds
Carissa has just arrived home from "work". A minute later, a cop (Cheyenne) knocks on the door and accuses her of soliciting in an alley and climbing into the back of someone's car for sex. She puts Carissa in handcuffs and is marching her to her squad car, but all the while Carissa is saying that she is a diabetic who needs her shot of insulin before she is taken downtown. The cop relents and removes the handcuffs. Big mistake. Carissa snatches the cop's weapon and now puts the cuffs on her instead. She marches the cop into the house, aware that others will soon be on their way. Carissa is not really thinking clearly, but the best plan she can muster is to takes the cop's clothes and try to pass herself off as a policewoman, escaping in the police cruiser. When she removes the cop's handcuffs, the cop attacks her, so she hits the cop on the head and knocks her out. She undresses the cop, and then takes off her own clothes to put on the uniform. When the cop wakes and starts to complain and threaten, Carissa duct tapes her mouth before leaving her to squirm on the floor in a hogtie, almost naked. How embarrassing will that be when someone finally finds her...
WMV: $13.99

Time: 17 minutes 46 seconds
Cheyenne has been overpowered in her own home, and is now sitting on the floor with ropes tied around her wrists, ankles and thighs. She is asking her assailant why he is doing this, and what does he want? At the moment, it seems he wants her to call one of her work colleagues, Cynthia, and ask her to come over to the house as soon as she can. Trembling and whimpering, Cheyenne obeys, and once she has made the call, her assailant produces a pair of her panties he took from her bedside drawer. She demands to know what he is doing with her panties, and she even plucks up the courage to ask if he has been sniffing them. The assailant thrusts the panties into Cheyenne's mouth, but before he can apply duct tape to finish gagging her, she spits the panties out. He forces them back into her mouth and adds three layers of duct tape to make sure they stay there this time. Left on her own, Cheyenne begins to roll around and struggle with her bonds. She makes too much noise, drawing her assailant back into the room. He tells her she is no behaving herself, and asks the gagged girl if she knows what happens to girls who misbehave.
WMV: $12.99
Cheyenne Can't Escape
Cheyenne Can't Escape
Time: 16 minutes 59 seconds
Cheyenne is placed in a hogtie, a cleave gag in her mouth, and we watch as she tries to escape. After a quarter of an hour of struggling, she declares herself defeated and has to be cut free. We did let her go, but it would have been a great opportunity to keep her as a guest for the weekend...
WMV: $12.99
Fight To Get Free
Fight To Get Free
Time: 11 minutes 53 seconds
Cheyenne has been left tied up and gagged, and she must use her ingenuity to get free. She struggles in her chair at first, then stands and hops across the room. She kneels and loses her balance, and finds getting up off the floor far more difficult than she expected because of the way her hands are tied behind her back. After using a chair to get back onto her feet, she hops into the kitchen in search of something to cut through her bonds.
WMV: $10.99

Modelling Job Gone Bad
Modelling Job Gone Bad
Time: 20 minutes 27 seconds
Cheyenne has turned up for a job modelling a Wonder Woman outfit, excepting only for the photographer to take photographs and perhaps a little video. He offers her a bottle of water to drink and she sips at it before getting started. In no time at all she starts feeling dizzy, and after fighting this feeling for a minute or two, she drops to the floor. When she comes to, she finds herself tied up in a hogtie. She squirms and fights, demanding to know what is going on, but the photographer soon gags her to keep her quiet. Cheyenne cannot escape from her bonds, but she does manage to loosen the rope holding her in the hog tie, leaving the photographer no choice but to coil some more rope between her wrists and ankles to keep her secure. Cheyenne has told him that a friend knows where she is and that the friend will call the police when she does not get in touch. The photographer therefore decides that he will have to move her to another location. He cuts the rope connecting her wrists and ankles, then lifts her over his shoulder and carries her out to her own car. He sits her in the driver's side and tells her to scoot over onto the passenger's seat. He then ties Cheyenne's legs together again and attached her seatbelt to keep her in place.
WMV: $13.99
Time: 32 minutes 41 seconds
Cheyenne has called on her boss at home to discuss a private matter with him. It turns out that she has uncovered that her boss forged his college degree which enabled him to get his job with the company in the first place. She threatens to expose his dirty secret unless he gives her a promotion and a raise. Realizing that this blackmail will probably never stop, the boss decides to take remedial action straight away - he grabs Cheyenne by the throat and squeezes until she blacks out. He then puts her in a hogtie, and just as he is finishing tying the knots she wakes up and starts to panic and squirm, saying that she'll forget the whole thing if he just lets her go. Instead, the boss sticks three pieces of duct tape over her mouth to keep her quiet... except, somehow it doesn't, she can still speak through the gag. When her boss goes in search of something to stuff in her mouth, Cheyenne fights frantically to get free, and succeeds in getting the ropes off her legs before her boss returns to re-gag her.
WMV: $13.99

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