Beauties in Bondage: What's New
Without Trace
Time: 42 minutes 42 seconds
Pamela is a courageous investigator for Raimondo's Investigations, a private detective agency. She’s not scared by darkness and is the right person to investigate
the case of a missing young woman. Pamela reaches an isolated spot in the bush where the missing girl was last seen. She finds a tennis shoe that seems to belong
to the missing girl, but just when she is about to send her location via a tracking app, a masked man appears behind her, grabbing her and clamping a hand over her
mouth. Pamela is scared but uses her self-defense skills to break free and frees herself and runs to her car. In her panic to get away, she can't start the engine.
Suddenly, the car door opens and another masked man reaches in and grabs her. With two men to subdue her struggles, Pamela is captured.
The men carry her to a wooden hut where she is trussed up tightly with rope (all tying seen on screen), and gagged with tape. She's left in the cold hut at night,
struggling until she is too tired to continue. She cannot free herself. As the dawn breaks, Pamela finally manages to untie the rope connecting her legs. She manages
to open the door but is immediately met by one of her captors. He remove Pamela's boots and pantyhose before he removes the tape from her mouth, then gags her again,
this time with her own pantyhose. Her legs are retied and she is now placed in a tight barefoot hogtie.
The following minutes are the worst and Pamela starts to fear that this is the end for her. However, when her captor returns, he frees her from hogtie and then
carries her over shoulder to her next location. Here we find Pamela wearing only panties, simply but effectively tied on top of a table. She is gagged once more, this
time with a wrap around tape gag. Her body is oiled meticulously as if she is being prepared for some kind of ritual ceremony. Left alone at last, Pamela can only
hope that her boss and colleagues read her last message with the location, and that they find her in time, otherwise she will become just one more girl who has gone
missing without trace.
This video has been produced by Raimondo at Captured Beauties ( Dialogue in English.
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The Other Woman and The Lost Contract
Time: 29 minutes 50 seconds
1. The Other Woman
Jennifer has been having an affair and her partner has found out about it. He is not at all happy, but he doesn't plan to confront her in the normal way of
these things. Instead, he asks a friend of his, a man who fixes problems in an unconventional way, to grab her and keep her prisoner until he decides what
to do about her infidelity. The man duct tapes her to a chair and leaves her in a dingy garage. Determined not to go down without a fight, Jennifer works
her way over to a table bearing several tools. She manages to disconnect her legs from the frame of the chair and reach up with her feet to retrieve a claw
hammer. She manages to maneuver the hammer to cut through the duct tape and free herself. Now all she has to do is get out of the house and make a run for it.
2. The Lost Contract
Jennifer is a secretary very efficient at marketing for her company and her boss is happy to let her negotiate with important clients. When he permits her to
negotiate with an Arabian Prince, however, this backfires. The Prince does not appreciate doing business with a woman, a practice forbidden in his country.
He calls the company boss and insists on an apology, not in the conventional sense, but in a way that will satisfy him. He demands that Jennifer be tied to
her office chair with zip-ties, and for her mouth the be gagged with duct tape to ensure that she stays silent and respectful. Of course, Jennifer is outraged
by this suggestion, but she has to go along with the Prince's wishes or risk losing her job. When the boss receives a call and goes out, Jennifer is left alone,
bound and gagged and being watched by the Prince via webcam. There is no escape from her restraints, but that does not prevent Jennifer trying to get free,
every now and again casting a baleful look towards the camera on her computer.
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Andrea Russo
Andrea In Trouble Remastered
Time: 33 minutes 03 seconds
Andrea has just arrived home, seemingly oblivious to a cop who signaled her to stop because she was speeding. The cop arrives at her front door moments after she enters
the house and knocks on it authoritatively. When Andrea answers, he tells her she was trying to evade the police and, without her invitation, he enters the house. First,
he asks to see a driving license, then handcuffs Andrea while he goes to run it through the system. When he returns, he says she has several outstanding tickets and that
he will have to take her in and formally charge her. When she asks if there is some way she can work this out with him, he suggests that she lets him tie her up and keep
her prisoner for a few hours. Concerned but not wanting to be arrested, Andrea agrees. She does not expect him to spend some ten minutes tying her up with so much rope.
Her concern deepens when the cop pulls the skirt of her evening dress up to look at the top of her stocking. Leaving her in the handcuffs as well as a mountain of rope
to make absolutely sure she can't escape, the cop finally gags Andrea with duct tape and stands watching her struggle. When he receives a call that he must attend, he
leaves her bound and gagged with the promise of returning later.
During the time the cop is away, Andrea manages to loosen the rope around her thighs and slip her shoes off, but she is unable to liberate her feet. Not that this would
get her very far given that her wrists are locked in handcuffs and anchored to the stool with rope, the knots far out of her reach. When the cop returns, he unties her part
of the way and then lets Andrea finish freeing herself. Once she is free, he orders her to take off her dress. Reluctantly, Andrea lifts the dress over her head to reveal
her black lingerie and stockings. The cop makes her lay face down on the floor and then he sets about tying her up again, ankles together and wrists behind her back,
completing the task by linking them together into a classic hogtie. He concludes by pulling a cleave gag between Andrea's teeth and again departs the scene, leaving Andrea
to struggle against the ropes, hoping to get free before he returns for a second time. (The clip concluded with a few minutes of behind the scenes material where Andrea
talks about her enjoyment of bondage as she works on trying to free her wrists. She refuses to be cut loose, too proud to give in and accept defeat).
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Carissa Montgomery
She Tried To Summon Help Remastered
Time: 13 minutes 01 seconds
Carissa has been taken and tied up, and is being help prisoner for an unknown period of time. When she hears her captor leave the house, she starts moving
from room to room looking for a telephone. She knows her only hope of getting out of this situation is to summon help. She has no idea where she is, and
she can't free herself from the ropes binding her. If she can just make a call, however, surely someone can trace it and locate her. She moves along a
corridor and comes to a room where she sees a phone perched on a stack of boxes. Now all she has to do is reach it, somehow.
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Nina Alder
No Retreat
Time: 34 minutes 34 seconds
Nina shows up at an address believing it to be a place where a weekend yoga retreat is being held. The old guy who answers the door seems perplexed
by her words to begin with, then recovers and invites her in. It slowly begins to dawn on Nina that she is probably at the wrong address and she makes
moves to leave. However, the old guy thinks that the whole yoga retreat thing is a cover for her investigating him. When he challenges Nina about this,
she asks what there is about him that needs investigating. Things go downhill after that. The old guy grabs her and pushes her to her knees; clearly,
he is stronger than he looks. Nina soon finds herself lying on the floor in a hogtie, a cleave gag pushed between her teeth and tied tightly. The old
guy disappears and Nina takes the opportunity to try freeing herself. It takes a lot of time and effort, but she eventually gets there. Once free, she
does not bother looking for her stuff. Her only desire is to get out of the house and raise the alarm. When she opens the door, however, the old guy
is blocking her exit. He makes her remove her clothes and she is tied to a bed, spreadeagled, a ballgag in her mouth to keep her quiet. Realizing she
must escape, Nina struggles frantically and eventually manages to free herself for a second time. History repeats itself when she tries to leave the
house because the old guy is blocking her way once again. He now secures her to a chair with zipties and gags her with a bit gag. "I defy you to get
out of that," he tells his prisoner. Things look hopeless for Nina, but that does not stop her trying her best to find something to cut herself free.
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Sinthia Bee
Only One Way Out
Time: 27 minutes 19 seconds
Sinthia has just arrived home and is grabbed from behind by a jewel thief, chloroformed until she falls unconscious. When she wakes, she
finds her wrists and ankles secured with plastic cuffs, a tape gag covering her mouth. With her disposed of, the thief has been trying to
open the safe in Sinthia's bedroom to get at her valuables. He cannot get the combination right abd returns to Sinthia, stands over her to
remove her gag, then asks her for the combination. She refuses to give it. He replaces the gag and warns her that giving him the information
he wants is her only way out of this predicament. He also says that if he can't get into the safe using the combination, he will ultimately
blow the door off, at the same time wrecking her bedroom. Sinthia is left alone to struggle in the cuffs for a while, until the intruder
decides to knock her out again. While she is comatose, he changes her bonds to ropes and leaves her in a hogtie. Now she is cleave gagged.
She tries to untie herself but does not have any luck. The thief returns again and gives her one last chance to give up the combination to
the safe. She refuses again, saying she will not let him have her valuables. He knocks her out for a third time, and when she wakes again,
she finds herself sitting on a chair, her wrists and ankles locked in cuffs and coils of chains pinning her to the chair. Each chain is
padlocked in place, making it impossible for Sinthia to escape. No sooner does she wake when she hears an explosion and realizes the thief
has followed through on his threat to use explosives. She cries out in dismay. Not only has the thief got her valuables but he has also
destroyed her bedroom. He returns with his prize, saying that he did warn her. Before departing, he tape gags Sinthia's mouth again,
remarking that she better hope someone drops by and finds her, because she is certainly not going to escape from all this metal. He departs,
and Sinthia suddenly realizes just how hopeless her situation is.
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Beverly Bacci
Mrs Steele Returns Remastered (2K upscaled)
Time: 22 minutes 54 seconds
Mrs Steele is back and is in trouble right from the get go as a fake Mr. Sneed enters her house and uses a blow dart from the tip of his umbrella to render
her helpless. She wakes as she is being tied up in rope, placed in a hogtie and then gagged with duct tape. The imposter goes off to contact the real Sneed
to lure him to the house, but while he is gone, Mrs. Steele escapes from her bonds and tries to reach the phone to call Sneed and warn him. Before she can
do so, the imposter intercepts her and darts her again. This time she wakes as she is being zip-tied to a chair with no chance of escape. Just when it seems
things could not get any worse, the Sneed imposter comes back with a bomb, sets it on the table and starts the timer counting down to an explosion. Can the
restrained Mrs Steele reach the bomb and deactivate it, or is it really curtains this time?
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Mura Suru
Time: 27 minutes 30 seconds
Mura is an FBI Agent investigating a man suspected of stealing a valuable painting. She has entered his house when she believes he is out to search for the stolen art work.
She is unaware that the thief is there, until he comes up behind her and grabs her, throwing her to the floor and promptly securing her wrists with duct tape. Subsequently,
he grabs her legs and tapes her ankles and thighs before wrapping tape around her body, above and below her breasts. Mura struggles throughout, warning him of her position
and threatening him with spending the rest of his life in prison. To shut her up, the thief pushes a cloth into her mouth and tapes her legs and cheeks, making sure she cannot
spit the cloth out. Unable to speak of break the tape binding her, Mura struggles in the floor after the thief leaves her alone for a while. After several minutes of futile
struggling, she spots a pair of scissors on a cabinet, pushes herself to her feet and hops across the room to retrieve them. She manages to cut the tape binding her wrists,
and quickly frees her legs and removes the gag. She decides to make a run for it and return with more agents, but she does not get far before the thief notices she is free
and runs after her. He picks her up and throws her over his shoulder, carrying her back inside the house. Clearly, the girl cannot be left in a position where she can move
around, so he ties her to a chair with lots and lots of rope, securing her so well that getting out is not an option. Mura's big mouth leads to her being gagged again.
Refusing to accept defeat, she thrashes around on the chair, rocking it dangerously until she finally tips it over. Now she must lie on the floor, still attached to the chair,
the thief telling her that he will not pick her up. When he receives a phone call, he leaves the room. Now Mura is alone and helpless. What will befall the intrepid agent?
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Beverly Bacci
Mrs Steele Investigates Remastered (2K upscaled)
Time: 29 minutes 18 seconds
Upscaled to 2K and re-edited from scratch. This version contains about 6 minutes of behind the scenes footage which contains some of the final takes.
It gives an insight into how much time it can take to film a scene that only lasts about a minute in the final edit.
The original plot:
Mrs Steele is enjoying her breakfast when Mr. Snead enters and greets her, inviting her along to the ministry where he is scheduled to have a chat with
Sir Oswald who has information regarding the case they are working on. Mrs Steele declines, saying she plans to follow up on a few leads of her own by
burgling a house. Later, while exploring the house, Mrs Steele is confronted by an armed man who is there to obliterate clues. A fight ensues and the
agile Mrs Steele soon gains the upper hand. What she does not expect is a second intruder who creeps up behind her and chloroforms her. Mrs Steele wakes
to find herself bound and gagged. She works long and hard and is making some progress on her bonds when Snead arrives to find out where she has been. He
peels the duct tape from her mouth but declines to assist her, stating that he fully supports womens' liberation and feels that she untie herself. Mrs.
Steele is far from happy about this arrangement, and the two break into a taunting banter as Snead watches Mrs. Steele working on her restraints, urging
her to get a move on lest they should be late for lunch!
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I Need Your Clothes 3 Remastered (2K upscaled)
Time: 24 minutes 16 seconds
Melanie arrives home to find an intruder in her house. She demands to know what he is doing there, and is more than a little surprised when he
says that he wants her clothes, and she needs to take them off. She initially refuses, but when it becomes clear that the intruder really means
business, she reluctantly capitulates and starts removing her clothes. He makes her keep stripping until she is down to her bra and panties, then
instructs her to lie face down on the floor. He proceeds to tie her up with clothes line, placing her in a tight hogtie to make she sue cannot
escape and raise the alarm too quickly. He cleave gags her before departing, preventing her from calling for help. Melanie struggles hard to free
herself but can't reach the knots that would loosen the rope. The video concludes with a behind the scenes sequence showing that Melanie really
could not escape, and we get to see her being cut out of the ropes which, by this time, are starting to hurt.
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Jasmine St James
Prima Donna
Time: 38 minutes 00 seconds
Jasmine plays famous singer Angelique whose career has been built by her manager. She is a difficult artist to deal with, always throwing temper
tantrums when she does not get her way. Her manager is out of patience with her and has decided to keep her prisoner in a remote house, running
her career using AI generated video footage for interviews and performances. He makes Jasmine sit on a chair and lock handcuffs around her wrists,
cuffs which are attached to the chair back with a zip tie. He shackles her ankles with the chain arranged in such a way her legs are effectively
attached to the chair. To stop Jasmine complaining and threatening, the manager gags her with duct tape before getting on with the job of developing
footage of a faux Angelique so that no one knows she is missing. After spending a night tied up so that she had to remain standing, she is finally
made to strip down to her bra and panties before being tied spreadeagled on a bed and left there for the day. Except, maybe if she can just escape.
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Jasmine St James
The Spy Who Got Caught
Time: 27 minutes 04 seconds
A classified document has been stolen from a top secret government department. The department sends Jasmine, one of its top agents, to retrieve
the missing file. Entering the house of her prime suspect when he is out, Jasmine undertakes a thorough search of his office. Engrossed in her
task, she does not hear the man return, not until it is too late. She soon finds herself tied to a chair, and when she refuses to confess the
name of her employer, she is gagged and left to struggle. Her efforts pay off after a while and Jasmine is on the verge of freeing herself, but
just before she can untie her ankles, the man discovers her escape attempt. Now, she must be tied up again, tighter this time. Jasmine ends up
in a hogtie on the floor, not only gagged but also blindfolded this time to make any attempts to escape that much harder.
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Naked Bondage: Volume 2
Time: 65 minutes 22 seconds
Our second compilation of scenes where 11 girls are seen bound and gagged naked. These five-minute excerpts derive from the following clips:
- Alba Zevon: Naked In The Woods
- Claire Irons: Kept Woman
- Syenite (with Vonka Romanov): The Evidence Speaks For Itself (Part 2)
- Nikki Brooks: Jack The Stripper Returns
- Sinthia Bee: The Inquisitive Realtor
- Vonka Romanov: The Infiltrator
- Lydia Lael (with Jasmine St James): Consider Yourself Served
- Mura Suru: Fangirl
- Becca: Staged Break-In
- Rachel Adams: Imperfect Evening
- Carissa Montgomery: You Ruined My Plans
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Carissa Montgomery
No Permit (2K upscaled)
Time: 24 minutes 00 seconds
Carissa works for the local planning authority and she has brought paperwork for a resident to complete allowing him to add an annex to his house. Upon arrival,
however, she learns that he has already built the annex without planning permission or following state codes and regulations. She points out to him that he is
now in trouble, and as she becomes more and more officious the resident becomes increasingly frustrated and angry. Finally, he tells her he is tired of being
humiliated by the unreasonable demands of local authorities on his income and he decides to humiliate this mouthy official, making her to take off her clothes.
Carissa looks appalled and refuses, but soon realizes she has no choice. Bit by bit she removes her clothes, all the time trying to reason with this seemingly
crazy man but he will not listen. When she is totally naked, he realizes that he can't let her leave now so he decides to tie her up and keep her prisoner. In
the minutes that follow, he ties her wrists, ankles, thighs and waist, linking all the ropes together to place Carissa in a cruelly-tight hogtie. She struggles
but her probing fingers can't find a single knot; so is so trapped and in so much trouble. Gagged and blindfolded, she has no choice but to lay on the resident's
kitchen floor and hope things don't get any worse for her.
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Jasmine St James
Questions And Bondage
Time: 37 minutes 18 seconds
In this video, Jasmine is asked a series of questions and she answers them while being tied to a chair. When the questions end, she is gagged and given the
challenge of escaping. At first, it looks as if she might easily succeed, but her efforts are soon stymied by the ropes around her wrists. She has to work on
this for a long time before finally getting loose. The movie is unedited other than switching between camera viewpoints.
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Lola Lynn
I Need Your Clothes 5 Remastered
Time: 25 minutes 30 seconds
Lola becomes the fifth victim of the man who breaks into houses and demands that the woman takes off her clothes and gives them to him. This time,
he leaves Lola tied to her bed and gagged with duct tape. She has to lay there all day in bondage waiting to be rescued. When her partner arrives home,
she thinks her ordeal is over, but now he seems to have discovered an interest in bondage, and he dopes not want to untie her.
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Ten Amorette
Too Much Rope Remastered
Time: 18 minutes 56 seconds
Ten has arrived home with a box of jewellery, unaware that a man is waiting in the shadows to steal it. He grabs her, overpowers her her and then
sets about tying her to a chair with a great deal of rope. He needs to make very sure that Rachael will not be calling the police any time soon.
Ten keeps demanding to know why he is doing this and to be released, until the intruder has had enough and gags her with duct tape. Eventually
left alone, Ten struggles with her bonds and even seems to make a little progress, but there is so much rope on her that escape will probably take
hours. (Filmed in natural light with plenty of sun shining in, so lots of shadows).
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Beverly Bacci
I Don't Mind The Way You Look At Me
Time: 21 minutes 35 seconds
The friendly neighbor Beverly is back. She has forgiven Dave for leaving her tied up last time and would like to give the relationship another
try. This time, she has brought her own handcuffs and wants Dave to put them on her. Little by little, he talks her into have her ankles secured
together with a zip tie, and into being gagged with a pair of ladies tights. Beverly agrees to all this as long as he promises to show her a really
good time after he releases her. There is only one snag: Beverly has forgotten to bring the key to her handcuffs, so she sends Dave off to her
house to retrieve it. Imagine her frustration when he doesn't return. She can't believe he would leave her bound and gagged again, and determined
not to be defeated, Bev manages to slide her handcuffed wrists under her butt and pull off her gag. She then hops into the kitchen to find scissors
to cut through the zip tie binding her ankles, then, for a finale, uses a hair grip to pick the lock on one of the handcuff bracelets. Before she
leaves, this time for good, she kicks the tights that were used to gag her across the room.
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